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Welcome to the webpage of the Fluid PF!

Public Foundation “Fluid” was established in 2002 with the goal of developing biogas and energy-saving technologies in Central Asia in order to improve the economical and environmental welfare of rural population and increase the sustainable development potential of the region. Our achievements include:
Development of optimal construction of biogas plants for the conditions of the KR, that allows minimizing building costs and maximally automating the exploitation of biogas plants (patent of the KR on automated biogas plants #807 dated 21 April 2004);
Development of the first in Kyrgyz Republic technical specifications for constructing biogas plants with different production capacity (TR 2932-001-23009587) that include several innovative technical solutions, designed by PF “Fluid”;
Development of the National Standard of the KR for biogas plants KMS 1061:2007, 2014, 2019, approved by the decree of the National Institute of Standards and Metrology;
Construction and support of over 50 functioning biogas plants with reactor volumes ranging from 5 to 360 m3 in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, export of technologies to DPRK and Croatia;
Production of ceramic radiant heaters for gas burners with infrared radiation for increasing efficiency through quality combustion of gas fuel.
Implementation of projects and cooperation with GEF, UNDP, European Commission, Japan International Cooperation Agency, ADB Regional development project, GTZ aimed at development and dissemination of biogas technology;
Development and publication of practical manual “Biogas technologies in the Kyrgyz Republic” (2006, 2009, 2011, 2017) and manual;
Consulting activities in construction and exploitation of biogas plants utilization of biogas and bio-fertilizer within the framework of EBRR BAS Programme in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and as a member of Association of Consultants of the KR;
Awards, received by the Foundation include a diploma of Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic on Intellectual Property for best inventions, and by the certificate “Best practice in sustainable development in the Central Asia” by ILN/CARNet for biogas plant on Uzbekistan.
This website contains information about biogas plants and technologies, developed by PF “Fluid”.

Biogas lant construction training

OF “Fluid” offers a unique 5-day training course, after which you will be able to build a biogas plant on your own (the course includes working drawings of the plants).

The course program includes the following modules:
1. Introduction to biogas technologies
2. Analysis of farm needs
3. Development of the main scheme of the biogas plant
4. Selection of materials
5. Construction and installation works
6. Reactor
7. Installation of biogas plant
8. Commissioning of BSU
9. Plant operation
10. Maintenance and repair of the plant
11. Use of BSU products
12. Visiting working biogas plants.

Tuition is $4,000. The amount includes the training of 2 specialists, preferably technical specialists, who will be responsible for the design, construction and operation of the plant.

The course fee does not include travel and accommodation costs. You can consult with Alexey Vedenev by phone +99670504109 (with WhatsApp).

For more than 15 years of work, the Fluid PF has completed the construction and maintenance of more than 100 biogas plants with reactor volumes from 5 to 360 m3 on the basis of peasant farms in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, North Korea and Croatia.

Biogas training program 2023

Biogas plant in Isfana

“Texas” Cafe

Shopping Center “Ak-Turpak”, Ak-turpak AO, Batken province, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2020

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Biogas plant in Green village “Ak Muz”

“Ak-Tilek” Farm (Green village)

Ak Muz village,  Naryn province, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2016

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Biogas plant in Green village “Ugut”

“Ulan” Farm (Green village)

Ugut village,  Naryn province, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2016

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Biogas plant of Toro LTD

Toro LTD (Slaughterhouse)

Lebedinovka village,  Chui province, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2015

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Biogas plant in Novopokrovka

«Novyi Put (New way)» farm.

Novopokrovka village,  Chui province, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2014

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Public Foundation “Fluid” awarded with the diploma

PF “Fluid” is awarded with the diploma for active participation at the exhibition held  in the Exhibition cente of the National Academy of Sciences, for demonstration of innovative developments and for the contribution to innovation activity.

PF “Fluid” was awarded with the diploma for participation at the exhibition held  in the Exhibition center of the National Academy of Sciences , and for the active use of objects and systems integration.

Biogas plant in Jalal-Abad

«Sulaimanov» farm.

Jalal-Abad city  ,  Jalal-Abad region, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2012

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New National Standard of the KR for biogas plants

PF Fluid has developed new National Standard of the KR for biogas plants KMS 1061:2012, approved by the decree of the National Institute of Standards and Metrology dated 2 July 2012 №44.

Decree for new National Standard for biogas plants