1. Which biogas plant would be suitable for my farm?
Biogas plants are defined mainly by the size of the digester. The needed size of the digester for your farm depends on the quantity of daily collected manure (cattle, pigs, horses and sheep manure, poultry droppings). For fermentation of 1 ton of manure with moisture level of 85% in mesophilic mode (37 C) you would need a digester volume of 15 m3.
2. I do not know the volume of the manure I receive daily. How much manure on average can I get from 1 cow or a pig?
Average daily manure from:
3. What is the volume of biogas I could receive from digesting manure in biogas plant?
You can receive 30-40 m3 of biogas from 1 ton of manure with moisture level of 85% processed in mesophilic mode (37 С), depending on the manure type (mixed manure from different animals yields more biogas) .
4. What is the volume of biogas that I need for heating my house?
For heating a house with area of 100 m2 you would need 25 m3 of biogas per day.
5. What is the volume of biogas that I need for cooking and personal needs of my family?
For heating of water for household and hygienic needs and cooking meals for 5-6 people 3 times per day you would need 5-6 m3 of biogas per day.
6. How much does biogas plant cost?
The cost of biogas plants id determined mainly by the size of the digester, see Prices. For farms that pass all requirements of BAS, Program, The Program will cover the cost of construction works for biogas plants.
6. Do you sell your biogas plant equipment to other countries?
Our biogas plants are made of used materials (i.e. for digesters we use old oil and rail tanks) for decreasing the cost of the biogas plant. Therefore it would be more profitable to construct biogas plant locally in your country using local materials. So far “Fluid” PF has build 4 plants in Kazakhstan and 1 in Uzbekistan.