This manual has been developed and produced on assignment and with financial support of UNDP Project “Institutional strengthening and capacity building for sustainable development”, Small Grants Programme of Global Ecological Fund in frame of “Increasing the potential of biogas plant use in Kyrgyzstan” Project.
This project is aimed at increasing the awareness of the population occupied in livestock breeding about the potential of biogas technologies, acquainting them with experience of operation of biogas plants, transferring the skills of constructing simple biogas plants, informing rural population of Kyrgyzstan about local and foreign organizations and consultants that manufacture biogas plants.
Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan is experiencing difficulties connected with low land fertility, growing fuel and fertilizer prices and deterioration of environment as well as overall poverty of rural population. The way to resolve these difficulties may lie in implementation of biogas technologies. Digestion of agricultural wastes: animal manure, green-tops, weed vegetation and food wastes in biogas plants can provide farmers with biogas that can be used in domestic gas appliances and highly effective organic biofertiliser that can increase land productivity by 10-30%.
At the moment there is a wealth of theoretical and practical experience accumulated on implementation of anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes and utilization of produced biogas and fertilizer. Kyrgyz Republic also has accumulated some analogous experience since the first experimental biogas plants have been constructed in 1980s in National Science Academy.
In the last years, as a result of initiative of farmers, private enterprises, NGOs (PF “Fluid”, Kyrgyz Association of renewable energy resources) and support of international organizations and programs (GTZ, JICA, GEF/SGP, Central Asian Mountain Program) interest in biogas plants has risen significantly. Already there is experience in constructing industrial biogas plants with digester volumes up to 250 cubic meters.
This publication is a constituent part of the project’s complex of measures to inform the interested parties and evaluate the experience accumulated on the issue of biogas technologies in Kyrgyzstan.
For those willing to build a biogas plant themselves manual offers different designs of biogas plants, criteria for choosing between them to fit the needs of household, as well as operation and maintenance standards observance of which is necessary for successful functioning of biogas plants. Described and evaluated are different types of biogas plants, including plants already built in Kyrgyzstan as well as recommendations for choosing the plants best suited for conditions of our Republic.
Manual contains methods economic and environmental benefits of utilization of products of anaerobic digestion of substrate – biogas and biofertiliser, cost and payback period of building a biogas plant.
Annexes contain list of organizations and consultants that manufacture biogas plants in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Byelorussia and a list of inspected biogas plants in Kyrgyz Republic. For financing of biogas plant construction and getting grant aid there is a list of donor and financial organizations.
This manual has been prepared using empirical data of PF “Fluid”, Association “Farmer”, materials from research articles of scientific and industrial periodicals, materials from manuals for construction and operation of biogas plants, informational materials disseminated in the Internet and other information sources.