Professional lyceum #43
Zanyzer village, Sokuluk rayon, Chui oblast, Kyrgyzstan
Completed in 2011
1. Digester volume, m3 – 10
2. Digested manure, tons per day – 0,6
3. Digested manure, tons per year – 200
4. Biogas production, m3 per day – 18
5. Biogas production, m3 per year – 6000
6. Gasholder volume, m3 – 10
Biogas plant of the over ground type is working in mesophilic regime and utilizes manure of cattle. Fertilizer is used on own land for agricultural purposes and received biogas – for heating the greenhouse of the lyceum.
Plant serves as practical tool for professional education of the students as operators of biogas plants, as planned by the lyceum.
Construction of the biogas plant was financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the framework of the project “Support to development of biogas technology in the Kyrgyz Republic” and by the lyceum.