“Baiterek” Farm
Don-Alysh village, Kochkor rayon, Naryn oblast, Kyrgyz Republic
Completed in 2011
1. Digester volume, m3 – 5
2. Digested manure, tons per day – 0,3
3. Digested manure, tons per year – 100
4. Biogas production, m3 per day – 9
5. Biogas production, m3 per year – 3000
6. Gasholder volume, m3 – 1
Mobile biogas plant with solar water heating was constructed using tanks and undercarriage that earlier was a fertilizer rainer.
Substrate in the digester is heated up to 37°С (mesophilic mode) using solar heater, which can heat up to 200 liters of water for household purposes and for diluting the substrate until needed humidity level.
Solar heater has 3 different operating modes – during transportation, winter and summer mode.
Mobile biogas plant is complete with mobile shower and toilet, which allow collection of faeces for utilization in the digester.
Mobile biogas plant can work in 3 different modes of substrate loading – manual, pneumatic with the use of hand pump and with the use of electric compressor.
For starting up the biogas plant it is possible to use 4 options of substrate heating : solar heater, electricity, solid fuel and gas.
Mobile plant can be operated on pasture and on farm site for food preparation, water heating, heating of the premises, and can be transported with a tractor.
Gasholder used during operation on pasture is made of a large tractor wheel, and during operating on farm site biogas is collected in a steel vessel.