Concept Master Ltd
Belovodskoe village, Chui oblast, Kyrgyzstan
Will be completed in 2011
1. Digester volume, m3 – 25
2. Digested manure, tons per day – 1,5
3. Digested manure, tons per year – 500
4. Biogas production, m3 per day – 45
5. Biogas production, m3 per year – 15000
6. Gasholder volume, m3 – 10
Biogas plant of the over ground type will be working in mesophilic regime and utilizes manure of cattle, horses and pigs. Fertilizer will be distributed to neighboring farms, received biogas will be used for household needs of the farm.
Consulting costs for construction of the biogas plant were co-subsidized by BAS EBRR Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic.